State of emergency: how to protect employees
Portugal faces a second period of emergency state due to the increase in cases by COVID-19. See everything you need to protect your employees.
The economy cannot stop. This is the great appeal of entrepreneurs in this second period of state of emergency since the pandemic caused by COVID-19 hit Portugal. The rules are increasingly tight and there are millions of Portuguese with a duty of confinement at night and on the weekend.
The numbers of infected and hospitalized people have increased daily, so the speech of government and health authorities is always marked by the protection of each one of us, as the greatest way to slow down this growth that no one wants. This involves following simple rules, which have been part of our lives for several months:
- wear mask
- Respect the respiratory etiquette
- Maintain social distance
- avoid gatherings
6 indispensable products during a state of emergency
In this sense, and always taking into account the well-being of each person and avoiding as much as possible a negative impact on companies and businesses, protecting employees, especially during this state of emergency, is essential.
To this end, at Brasão Rosa you will find a series of essential products to fulfill this objective.
In Portugal, the use of a mask is mandatory in several circumstances:
- In indoor locations, such as offices, commercial and service establishments, services and buildings serving the public, educational establishments and crèches and public transport;
- In outdoor spaces, whenever it is not possible to guarantee the physical distance recommended by the health authorities. This rule applies to people aged 10 and over;
- For all people who belong to risk groups.
As such, all companies must always have disposable masks available to hand over to their employees.
Disposable Social Mask box of 50 masks
Disposable Mask IIR box of 50 masks
protective visor
In certain types of services, the visor offers additional protection, and it is important to know that this does not replace the mask, as they do not protect in the same way. The mask allows you to cover your mouth and nose, which prevents the escape of droplets expelled through sneezing, coughing or speaking. In turn, the visor can be used as a complement to the mask.
Likewise, in certain businesses, the use of gloves is also essential, especially when constantly in contact with different surfaces. Have this product always at hand, to protect your employees and thus help Portugal to be able to leave the state of emergency as quickly as possible.
Thorough cleaning and proper products has never been as important as it is today, whether at home or in companies.
Health authorities recommend the use of products with a minimum of 70% alcohol, as you can find on sale at the Brasão Rosa online store, in order to ensure that everything stays as clean as possible.
Although there are few studies on the residence time of the new coronavirus on certain surfaces, what is known, for now, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, is that the virus can remain up to three days on some surfaces, namely plastic and stainless steel. More properly:
- Plastic and steel: up to 72 hours
- Paper and card: up to 24 hours
- Copper: up to 4 hours
Surface disinfectants 70% alcohol
shoe protectors
Taking into account the previous reference about the permanence time of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on different surfaces, then, thinking about protecting the footwear is also something to take into account, since this garment has contact with many environments and environments many different.
infrared thermometer
The entry into force of this state of emergency also brought the possibility of measuring fever in certain contexts, namely in access to the workplace, public services or institutions, schools, commercial, cultural or sporting spaces, means of transport, health facilities, prisons or educational centers.
For this, infrared thermometers are the accessory to have. Don't forget, however, that the law allows temperature verification, but prohibits data logging.